Saturday, September 13, 2008

More Fallout From The Pooper Incident

I'm checking my e-mail today and notice I have an e-mail from my representative at the temporary agency. He informs me that the company I just left is doing an internal investigation on Pooper concerning the stolen software incident and a few other things. The HR manager wants to have a phone conference with me and ask questions regarding the situation. He also stresses that the company has no interest in pursuing me in the matter and they only want to talk to me to gather information for their internal investigation. He also tells me that I can talk to them and give them information, but I am not obligated in any way to have any further contact with them.

Not sure what to do. I don't have anything to hide from them, but at the same time I'd just like to put it behind me and get on with my life. I had no idea it would blow up into this big melodramatic event.

1 comment:

TexAss said...

Man, that sucks that your stuck in the middle of this now. Just because they contacted you doesn't mean you need to return the favor. Do what you think is right for YOU...not them. You did what you had to do and they can figure the rest out on their own.

Just my opinion though...