Monday, August 4, 2008

More Crap At Work

Last Thursday morning I come back into the office from my usual smoke break. My supervisor tells me he would like to chat in private. I figure it's going to be the "sorry, we have to let you go now" speech. Boy was I wrong.

We have an engineer working in our department who has many years of experience in the engineering field, just not in our particular industry. He is also very egocentric and will not listen to anyone. Other co-workers have tried helping him along, however he will not take their advice. Over the past several months he has managed to piss off damn near everyone he has worked with either with his shitty attitude or his incompetence. It had finally gotten to a point where our boss was getting yelled at by other department managers.

Anyway, we sit down in this little conference room and he asks me to tell him the truth on what this engineer is doing and how he has been acting. I give him the straight up truth and tell him how he is screwing up jobs and angering pretty much everyone he comes in contact with. My boss thanks me for the information and then over the next couple of hours proceeds to have similar conversation with the other five members of the engineering group. He comes to find out from the others that my story is 100% accurate.

After lunch he calls this engineer, we will call him Pooper for the sake of this discussion, into the conference room and gives him a real ass ripping. Pooper comes back to his desk looking like he just got drug behind a truck for several miles across rough terrain. He doesn't speak to anyone the rest of the day.

Friday rolls around. Pooper still has an attitude. He will talk to everyone in the group except me. The only time he speaks with me is if it concerns work and it is absolutely necessary. After he leaves for the day, I come to find out that he seems to think that I went to the boss complaining about him in order to get him fired so I can be brought on full time. This of course is total bullshit. The boss came to me in the first place, and I didn't tell him anything he either didn't already know or at least suspect.

So, I come in today and not only does Pooper start talking to me again, he is really nice. So nice it's almost sickening. At one point in time he pulls his wallet out of his pocket and offers to give me lunch money if I'm short on cash.

I'm not really sure how to take this. I'm a bit apprehensive to trust him. I think maybe he has something up his sleeve.

1 comment:

seaslover said...

Absolutely, 100% do not trust this guy. This sssssoooo sounds like something women do - we're sneaky, not open when we try to manipulate/hurt/deal with someone else. This is genetic and we are taught to do it from a young age. Politely decline anything this guy offers you - preferably with someone else right next to you that can hear the exchange. J