Thursday, August 14, 2008

Krispie & Whorie Ride Again

Work has been a nightmare. One day I will have nothing to do. I'll spend like an hour doing real work, and then 7 hours listening to audio books and playing solitaire. Then the next day I'll be so busy I can't think straight. On top of all of this, we are in the midst of loosing a big dollar account through many little blunders that have combined to make everything a real mess.

With all of the chaos going on I still have to deal with Krispie and Whorie's bullshit. I don't mind so much their gossip or smart assed remarks about me anymore. I've come to learn that they are two of the most disliked people in the office. What does bother me is Krispie's non-stop talking that resonates through the building so loudly that I do believe people clear down on the bottom floor can hear her.

Then there is still Whorie's obnoxious laugh. I thought about that sound. The noise she means to be a laugh. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how disgusting it was. I've never seen one of those perverted porno videos involving chickens, but I bet her laugh is what one sounds like. It's hideous and she blurts it out every few minutes so damn loud that it just disrupts everything.

Maybe I will replace my existing headphones with a pair of those high dollar noise canceling headphones. Or maybe I'll just gouge my eardrums out with an ice-pick.

1 comment:

TexAss said...

Do we work in the same office?!? I deal with the same high school b.s. on a daily basis and I hate it. Seriously, do people ever grow up?

I've been down the same roads you have. Self medication was the BEST but at a big expense physically. Still guilty of loving beer though. I'm on some medication now that seems to be working...for the moment.